EGT is in Italian company that has contributed to improvements in the concept of drilling and soil consolidation design.
Founded in 1988 and located in Fontevivo (Parma) it was formally named Ellettari Geotecnica, then rapid penetration into foreign markets required changing the name into EGT, where the T for technology indicates our future direction without forgetting our Italian origins.
Italy, Germany, Libya, Russia, Poland, Azores are some of the many locations where EGT drilling equipment has worked complying with the highest quality standards and with demanding job site conditions.

EGT's activities are carried out in a 16,000 sqm factory, with skilled technicians spending each day utilising their knowledge in the assembly, repair, painting and testing of systems and in providing customer care.
The Procurement Department, Sales office, R&D, Design and Technical departments all combined forces to maintain EGT's high production level.
Our strength
The added value built into EGT’s drill rigs is a result of the high design capability developed over the past years. Production follows technological improvement and this is used to meet our customers needs offering a wide range of drilling equipment.
EGT drill rigs are often recognised for their long-lasting and reliable construction and their ability to be customised to meet our clients requirements.